M feeling so sad write now, thinking about tomorrow.
Tomorrow A is going back to her parents place for a week to celebrate Christmas. I hate this time of year because I tend to become really miserable cuz I cant call her at her residence n all.
N i still remember last year when her vacations were going on n she had gone home, those three months were like hell to me.
Seriously in a relationship u become so used to telling each n every minute detail of boring life to each other n so dependent on each other that u cant imagine ur life without them.
So m missing A even before she’s leaving. Yeah that’s stupid but cant help it.
But thank god she will be back by new years eve n we have already got the passes for the new year bash.
I don’t think I will be updating my blog till next year cuz I have another wedding to attend in Pune ,
I don’t think I will be updating my blog till next year cuz I have another wedding to attend in Pune ,
so all ya beautiful people,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year n Party Hard. :o)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year n Party Hard. :o)