Thursday, December 22, 2005

With or Without you

M feeling so sad write now, thinking about tomorrow.

Tomorrow A is going back to her parents place for a week to celebrate Christmas. I hate this time of year because I tend to become really miserable cuz I cant call her at her residence n all.
N i still remember last year when her vacations were going on n she had gone home, those three months were like hell to me.

Seriously in a relationship u become so used to telling each n every minute detail of boring life to each other n so dependent on each other that u cant imagine ur life without them.

So m missing A even before she’s leaving. Yeah that’s stupid but cant help it.
But thank god she will be back by new years eve n we have already got the passes for the new year bash.

I don’t think I will be updating my blog till next year cuz I have another wedding to attend in Pune ,
so all ya beautiful people,

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year n Party Hard. :o)


  1. that was a significant obs abt ppl in relationships ... very true ...

    why cant u call her at her residence ??

    Cheer up , now

    And have a rocking time

  2. w.r.t ur previous post , i do watch cricket and all .. ok ??

  3. merry xams n a very happy new year :-)

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. @Deepa
    Yes mam ur First :)

    i cant call at her residence cuz its a lil complex..
    actually we havent come out open with our relationship fully yet..
    waiting for the right moment (read me start working )
    so if i call at her residence ten times then there will be a bit of suspicion so have to keep my emotions in check.. :)

    about my previous post , oops ur different.. :) sorry

  6. @ mich
    same to u mich :o)

  7. Zii

    change the title of your blog from
    "top of the mountain.."
    "My girlfriend shtrronngessht"

    Ill ask santa to get your babe back to u asap ha babu, abhi rona chodo beta...chalo haso!
    gooOood bhohy!

    (this commented was posted by zii and deleted by him cuz someone (suzy) said it was rude..

    lol..common dude..
    but ur rite, i been riting too much about A..
    but when ur so dependent on someone u cant help riting about them..

    but i vil rite minimizing .. :\

  8. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Merry Christmas to u 2. Have a good one ;-) PEACE

  9. The week will pass by. :)
    Merry Christmas and a happy new year. And have loadsa fun. :D

  10. yeh!wish you a merry christams too. and I do understand how you must be feeling coz you love her so much... but think of the positive side of it... you can actually spend your new year's eve with her... isn't that exciting?... so wait for the day and njoy it together to the max... :-)

  11. Just cheer up dude...its just a matter of time...

    I know how it feels to stay away from someone with whom u are so used to telling small small things...

    Merry Xmas and take care!!

  12. well , ur calling once or twice like in a week shouldn't sound suspicious , i guess ....

    good luck w/ ur relationship :)

  13. @ Quz Boss
    Thanks.. :)

    @My ramblings
    thanks and same to you :o)

    Yeah its surely is exciting cuz this is the first time we r gonna do something different :)

    Yeah.. thanks dude.. wish u the same.

    lol.. u wont understand its kinda complicated than that.

    Yeah she sure is :)
