Friday, June 08, 2007


A great many thinkers and writers have wasted their time broaching about this particular topic and still it remains something which cannot be described or expressed completely. Every person has a different perspective of how it should be. But in the end it’s just the union of two people who feel the same way about each other.

Can love be one sided?
I feel how it can be love when the other person doesn’t respond to you the same way. No sir, that’s not love. It’s just a dream.

I thought I had found true love, my soul mate who I could talk anything n everything n I thought this was the person I would do die for. But m scared now, people change so much, the same person who would not even dream about hurting their loved ones, behave as if nothing affects them anymore. So cold, passive it’s just too hard to digest the fact that how could I not see it coming. I guess love makes you blind, you ignore all the faults n see only the good things, things that YOU wanna see. But actually things are much darker, fader, and blanch. I had read somewhere people are generally good, circumstances push them to the bad side. I believe people are generally bad, circumstances and their needs make them good.

Everything’s so lovey-dovey, caring, sweet talk n all during the initial phases, why do people start taking for granted after the other person express their desire to be with them. Does all the love vanish in that single moment?

Maybe I ask too many questions, Maybe m plain stupid n dunno how this world works or Maybe people are too complex too understand..
Maybe I am just seeking for someone who would listen to me patiently without judging me.
Or may be I just can’t let go of people I really care.
Or may be I believe in fairy tales, boy meets girl, both of them fall in love and they live happily ever after.

I donno, whether I would be able to love anyone the same way ever again and also to trust someone more than myself but I know for sure I have lost faith in love.


  1. Hmmmm first love is always the first love. That experience will never be repeated but yeah you may fall in love more hopelessly than before& yes its gonna be chillax dude! hehehe

  2. time heals... :) ive been there...but sometimes the right person just comes along :) give it time...u'll be fine :) btw ive changed my url to back!

  3. @disillusioned:
    maybe my first love has left too deep a mark on me.. but hopefully ur rite abt me fallin more hopelessly in love than before :)

    @ Mich
    time is the best healer, as they say.. Thanks for droppin by. :)

  4. hi dear.....guess u r just going through a bad patch....and as michelle said....time heals....its partly true....but wht i beliv more than the right person, miss perfect comes along when teh right time appears....and trust me it's her love that actually heals u, takes care of the pain and the don't worry will be fine soon...and as i took to writing as a way to vent out my pain n suffering and trust me it healed me toooo....friend u cn do the same like me :)

  5. Interesting encounter with love.Hope you got over it now :D
